The Pyramid of Hawara ( Arsinoiton Polis) was built by the King Amunemhat III during the twelfth Dynasty The Pyramid, it `s casing removed in the Roman times, looks like a heap of rubble, but the site was one of the most important archaeological discoveries in Egypt.
The Mortuary temple was the labyrinth that so mazed The greek traveler ( Herodotus) I visited this Place and found it to surpass the descriptions( He said the Labyrinth was believed to have been hewn from one single rock and Contained over 3000 rooms, It was also mentioned by almost every ancient traveler Strabo, Diodorus
Here at Hawara 146, Fayoum portraits were found in the Cemetery North of the Pyramids( You Can see a few of them at Kom Aushim Museum and in Cairo Museum)